All Projects

My Complete Portfolio
Normal Project
Image of Project Cotizador de Monedas
HTML, Styled Components, React JS, Fetch Api
Coin quoter

This is a project developed with React Js and styled components. It consumes an API that allows us to quote a cryptocurrency in our local currency.

Normal Project
Image of Project App de Clima
HTML, CSS, React Js, Vite, Fetch Api, Context API
Climate App

This project was made with react js, using Vite and consuming an API that allows you to check the weather in your city.

Normal Project
Image of Project Cursos en Línea
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Online Curses

This project was built using HTML, CSS and JS. One of my first projects implemented using these 3 technologies.

Featured Project
Image of Project GuitarLA
Remix Run, React JS, React Router, Strapi, PostGreSQL

This project is a website for selling custom guitars and a blog about their use. It was built in two parts, on the client side, using Remix as the frontend framework, and a CMS like Strapi to build the backend.

Featured Project
Image of Project Coffe App
HTML, React JS, Tailwind Css, Prisma, Node Js, MySql, Next Js 12, Axios
Coffe App

Kiosk project, used to place orders for the different products sold, add the order and then send it to the kitchen, it has an administrative part for the kitchen area.

Featured Project
Image of Project Up Task
Vite, MongoDB, React JS, Node Js, Express, Socket Io
Up Task

Project that allows the creation, general administration of projects and tasks of each one of them. Allows you to add collaborators to your projects and manage tasks in real time.

Featured Project
Image of Project New Rent Car
Next Js 13, Framer Motion, Typescript, Tailwind Css, Zod, React JS
New Rent Car

Landing Page web project for the company New Rent Car that is dedicated to renting cars, vans and the like, has company information sections and a gallery. This project is made in Next JS.

Featured Project
Image of Project Gestión de Portafolio Eichtici (Demo v. 1.0)
Node Js, Express, MongoDB, Next Js 13, Tailwind Css, Mui Material, Context API
Demo Eichtici Portfolio Management (v. 1.0)

Web system for portfolio management with two views, the public view structured on the landing page, and the private view where the data to be displayed on the landing page is managed. MERN stack project with Next Js and Mui Material among other technologies.

Featured Project
Image of Project Eichtici Boda
React JS, Next Js 14, Tailwind Css, Cloudinary, Context API
Wedding Eichtici

Landing Page created in Next Js to provide information about a wedding event