Hi there...

I'm HenryTirado

I help bring to life the ideas of small agencies and companies that require web systems adaptable to their needs. I have a passion to continue learning and increase my knowledge in this broad world of development.

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About Me

Why Choose Me?
About me Image
I am a knowledgeable and experienced web developer, working on web technologies, UI/UX design, and modern tools that entail quality work delivery.
03 +

Years experience

05 +

Companies worked

11 +

Completed projects

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What I offer
Web design


Web design


Web design


Web design



Most recent projects
Wedding Eichtici
Image of Project Eichtici Boda
Technologies: React JS, Next Js 14, Tailwind Css, Cloudinary, Context API
Demo Eichtici Portfolio Management (v. 1.0)
Image of Project Gestión de Portafolio Eichtici (Demo v. 1.0)
Technologies: Node Js, Express, MongoDB, Next Js 13, Tailwind Css, Mui Material, Context API
New Rent Car
Image of Project New Rent Car
Technologies: Next Js 13, Framer Motion, Typescript, Tailwind Css, Zod, React JS
Up Task
Image of Project Up Task
Technologies: Vite, MongoDB, React JS, Node Js, Express, Socket Io
Coffe App
Image of Project Coffe App
Technologies: HTML, React JS, Tailwind Css, Prisma, Node Js, MySql, Next Js 12, Axios
Image of Project GuitarLA
Technologies: Remix Run, React JS, React Router, Strapi, PostGreSQL